OCIC Consulting Intl. Inc.
Bridging & Accelerating Chinese Enterprise into Philippine Market
High-performing Chinese – Philippine team of Certified Public Accountants, Lawyers and Consultants with expertise in the Philippines
regulations & operational procedures
Serving 200+ Customers Monthly from various industries; Engaged in timely delivery of services
Registered 400 Valued Clients within 12 Different Types of Industry
Choose the business package you need
A variety of Visa and Immigration Residence Permit Services are available to allow you to stay in the Philippines legally and securely.
OCIC offers visa and work permit processing services to foreign companies and foreign nationals who want to work, retire, invest and live in the Philippines.
Why choose OCIC?
OCIC is officially accredited by the Bureau of Immigration and the Philippine Retirement Authority and served more than 400 companies in the past years and served thousands of passports each year. Our team is having 5 years of progressive experience working with the Immigration Department.
Please choose the services you need:
Who can apply for Working Visa
Foreign nationals who are proceeding to Philippines to engage in any lawful occupation, whether for wages or
salary or other forms of compensation.
- Special Work Permit – Commercial (SWP)
The company can apply for a special work visa for foreign employees who have a short stay in the Philippines.
- Conversion to Pre-Arranged Employee Visa (Commercial)
The company can apply for a work visa for foreign employees of the company. The time of the work visa is divided into one-year, two-year and three- year periods.
- Downgrading of Visa
The holder of the work visa must apply for a work visa before leaving the company. The visa is a valid visa for 59 days.
Other Related Visa Services:
Alien Employment Permit (AEP), Lost Alien Employment Permit (AEP), Special Working Permit – Commercial (SWP), Probationary Working Permit (PWP), Downgrading of Visa, Re-validation of Visa, 9G stamping and Lost Visa, Annual Report, Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC), Temporary Visitor’s Visa (9A)
- Special Investor’s Resident Visa (SIRV)
The Special Investor’s Resident Visa (SIRV) entitles the holder to reside in the Philippines for an indefinite period as long as the required qualifications and investments are maintained.
Who can Apply for a SIRV?
Any alien, except for restricted nationals, at least twenty-one (21) years of age, who meets the qualifications and follows the implementing rules provided for in the issuance of an SIRV. The applicant’s spouse and unmarried children under twenty-one (21) years of age may also be issued the same visa.
- Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV)
A special non-immigrant visa for foreign nationals who would like to make the Philippines their second home or investment destination.
Who may apply for a SRRV?
A retiree who applies for a Special Resident Retiree Visa (SRRV) has the option to enroll to the program based from his retirement status.
OCIC provides business registration services in a most efficient manner and provides extra mile to bridge customers in a simplified process and solution to complete business license requirement to legally operate in the Philippines.
Types of Business Registration:
- Company Registration (Securities & Exchange Commission [SEC])
- Domestic Corporation (All Filipino – 40% Foreign Equity) A corporation that is incorporated under the laws of the Philippines with 0% up to 40% Foreign Equity. Under the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, the number of incorporators should be two (2) or more persons but not more than fifteen (15), may organize themselves and form a domestic corporation.
- Foreign Owned Corporation (40.01 – 100% Foreign Equity) (Under FIA) –
Foreign Owned Corporation is a corporation with 40.01% to 100% Foreign Equity. It is regulated by the Foreign Investment Act (FIA) of the Philippines. Under FIA, there are list of industries that restricts or regulate the foreign participation in establishing a corporation. Under the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, the number of incorporators should be two (2) or more persons but not more than fifteen (15), may organize themselves and form a domestic corporation. Majority of the incorporators must be resident of the Philippines.
One Person Corporation (OPC) – A corporation with a single stockholder who can only be a natural person, trust, or estate. The incorporator of an OPC being natural person must be of legal age. As an incorporator, the “trust” as used by the law does not refer to a trust entity, but the subject being managed by a trustee. If the single stockholder is a trustee, administrator, executor, guardian, conservator, custodian, or other person exercising fiduciary duties, proof of authority to act on behalf of the trust or estate must be submitted at the time of incorporation.
Less-than-Five Corporation – From the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines and SEC Memorandum Circular No. 16 Series of 2019 entitled “Guidelines on the number and qualifications of incorporators under the revised corporation code”, registration of domestic corporation and foreign owned corporations allows two (2) or more persons but not more than fifteen (15) incorporators which opened to a new type of corporation which is the “Less-than-Five Corporation”. It is a corporation with at least two (2) or more persons but not more than four (4) incorporators that may organize and form a corporation.
Foreign Philippine Branch Office – Setting-up a Foreign Branch Office means your foreign company will be directly licensed to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to do business in the Philippines and can earn and invoice from the Philippines. This means you do not have to put a new and separate company in the Philippines.
Foreign Philippine Representative Office – This is similar to a branch office, i.e. your foreign company is licensed to do business inththe Philippines, but the major difference is that a Rep Office cannot invoice from the Philippines and cannot earn income from the Philippines. Also, the types of activities that a Representative Office can do in the Philippines is limited
Lending Corporation – A corporation engaged in granting loans from its own capital funds or from funds sourced from not more than nineteen (19) persons. It shall not be deemed to include banking institutions, investment houses, savings and loan associations, financing companies, pawnshops, insurance companies, cooperatives and other credit institutions already regulated by law.
- Foreign Owned Corporation (40.01 – 100% Foreign Equity) (Under FIA) –
- Special Licenses / Secondary Licenses
- Philippine Contractor Accreditation Board (PCAB) – Republic Act 4566 as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1746 provides that no contractor (including sub-contractor and specialty contractor) shall engage in the business of contracting without first having secured a PCAB license to conduct business.
- Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) – PEZA is the Philippine government agency tasked to promote investments, extend assistance, register, grant incentives to and facilitate the business operations of investors in export-oriented manufacturing and service facilities inside selected areas throughout the country proclaimed by the President of the Philippines as PEZA Special Economic Zones.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) For MSBs – In the Philippines, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) regulates the registration of corporations engaged in Money Services Business (MSB). MSBs are non-bank entities engaged in remittance, money changing, and/or foreign exchange dealing.
Trademark (Intellectual Property Office / IPO) – A trademark is a word, a group of words, sign, symbol, logo or a combination thereof that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one entity from those of others. To protect your intellectual property, businesses register their trademark with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the Philippines. A trademark protects a business’ brand identity in the marketplace.
Import and Export License (Bureau of Customs / BOC) – Bureau of Customs (BOC) is the governing body responsible for the accreditation of the importers, exporters and customs brokers in the Philippines. They have issued set of requirements in order for a business entity to be able to engage in the business of importing and exporting.
OCIC provides outsourcing services for taxation, accounting and government statutory contributions. Our team has extensive experience in bookkeeping and handling tax compliance in different industries.
We are equipped with sophisticated accounting software and customize procedure that surpass our clients’ needs and expectations. OCIC ensures team and process development through consistent training and updates on the latest governmental issuance and tax procedures.
- Accounting Services:
- Recording of monthly transactions
- Preparation of monthly trial balance, balance sheet, income statement, cash flows and account schedules/reconciliations
- Preparation of monthly bank reconciliation
- Updating trial balances with year-end audit adjustments
- Preparation of draft statutory financial statements for your external auditor’s review
- Tax Compliance Services
- Preparation of Annual Registration Fee
- Monthly withholding taxes and annual information returns (compensation, final and expanded)
- Monthly and quarterly value added tax
- Quarterly Corporate Income Tax
- Documentary Stamp Tax
- Quarterly Alphalist of Payees
- Summary List of Sales and Purchases
- Assistance in enrollment to EFPS
- Preparation and Submission of Employee’s BIR Form 2316
- Preparation and Submission of Year End Inventory List
- Preparation and Submission of Lessee Information Sheet
- Registration and renewal of manual books of accounts, loose leaf records or computerized accounting system
- Government Mandatory Contributions
- Assist on the employer registration with different government agencies (SSS, Philhealth and HDMF)
- Preparation and payment of Monthly employer contribution (SSS, Philhealth and HDMF)
OCIC provides Human Resource services such as headhunting services, labor law advisory and employment solutions.
In today’s highly competitive economy, companies are focused on core competencies and strategic functions. Many companies choose to outsource non-strategic functions (such as human resources) to get the best return and use limited resources to fill strategic functions.
- Headhunting Services
The growth of a company depends on the talents; OCIC Consulting Int’l Inc. provides professional and timely recruitment assistance to customers through the major recruitment platforms and application of recruitment strategy to desired candidates talent. We are engaged in the recruitment of excellent bilingual or multicultural background talents within the Philippines.
It is our commitment to give importance to the quality of each and every recruit.
With the help of our HR Team, basic or complex requirements are not a problem. The trouble and pain of recruitment are managed so you can focus on the core of your business.
Legal Consultation
Many companies believe that recruiting employees is a simple task, but it is not. It takes a lot of time and effort to recruit a good employee. Hiring internal payroll team increases operating costs, utilizing limited resources and valuable time.
Our legal advisory include best practices and compliance thru the state-of the-art platforms and keeping abreast of the latest regulations and practices. Our experienced HR team will handle your basic to complex requirements to ease recruitment difficulties and thrive on your business strategy.
Employment Solutions
OCIC Consulting Int’l Inc. relies on professional industry background, experienced HR team, advanced management concept and rich talent database. It provides one-to-one service management according to the actual needs of customers, and solves the customer demand in one-stop shop. The industry provides professional, comprehensive and systematic customized human resources integrated solutions.
Industry Partners

Contact us
+63 917 1594342
+63 (02) 8552 3140 / 8845 4029
Unit A&B 20th Floor Rufino Pacific Tower,
6784 Ayala Avenue,
Makati City, Philippines